blurry kids event in Thailand kindergarten school., Bangkok Thialand.

Inspiring young minds isn't just about guiding them; it's about igniting their passion to transform their communities and the world with their own hands. ~ Sabrina Wiggins

Sabrina Wiggins

Author, Speaker, & Youth Champion

Empowering Voices, Inspiring Futures:

Advocating for Youth & Community Growth

Speaker Topics


Community Service

Diversity in Books

Career Exploration

Exploring Grief and Loss

Keynote Speaker, Spirit & Truth

Guest Speaker, Literary Pep Rally

Guest Speaker, SuitlandFest

Career Day Speaker, CAPS

Keynote Speaker, I AM Powerful Conference

Sabrina Wiggins

Author, Speaker, & Youth Champion

Sabrina Wiggins is an author, speaker, and the CEO of Little Aiden Press, where she weaves stories that inspire and educate young minds. With books like "Off to Washington" and "Career Day: Coloring and Activity Book," she encourages kids to explore diverse careers and learn about the world. Her book "When My Dad Went To The Hospital" helps children understand and navigate difficult emotions when someone they love is hurt. Sabrina is passionate about community service, promoting diversity in books, and guiding youth through career exploration and understanding grief and loss.

Recognized for her impactful work, Sabrina has received commendations from former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley, Congressman Steny Hoyer, and the Charles County Commissioners for her dedication to community service and engaging young people. Having co-founded the Award-Winning Hip Hop Education initiative, she has reached over 3,000 youths, advocating for their empowerment and involvement in community initiatives. Sabrina's efforts have been featured in various media outlets, including the Philadelphia Inquirer, Maryland Gazette, Channel 8 News, WPGC95.5, and more, highlighting her commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of children and communities.

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Books by Sabrina

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Tel: (301) 375-0365

Sabrina Wiggins

Author, Speaker, & Youth Champion

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